MAR. 14 - 6-9PM No Boundaries - Opening Night Celebration

Meet many of the artists, and enjoy a great atmosphere filled with live music, wine, hors d'oeuvres, and your fellow art lovers

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A Diverse showcase of artistic expression, explore hundreds of works from 20 artists ranging from stunning paintings and photography to sculptures and captivating glass art, all under one roof. Genres include traditional, impressionist, expressionist, and more.

Artworks by Barbara Aras, Tom Bluemlein, Linda Crank, Jeff Gandert, Bonita Williams Goldberg, Darren Goodman, Ann Grimaldi, Tim Harrier, Andy Herrmann, Wendy Herrmann, Ivanka Lempitskiy, John Leon, Richard Luschek, Jeff Morrow, David Mueller, Clem Robins, Michael Sharp, Mark Warren, Doug Welsh, and Jim Williams.